Hale Farm


We attended the Hale Farm event, for the first time! From my understanding, it is the largest living history event for the Civil War, in Ohio. At an hour away, we had to attend! It is a wonderful site, with many buildings, demonstrators, and a relaxed environment. We really enjoyed taking our time, and chatting with many people!

Historically, there were not any battles in Ohio. However, over 300,000 Ohioans served in the Federal army, and the area had strong abolitionist sentiments. We are fortunate to have many historical sites, and century homes to see and learn from. Hale Farm in particular, was established in 1810. The family was rather prominent in the area for four generations, and gave the site to the Western Reserve Historical Society in 1910.

The first day, was a mother- daughter day. Grant has a hard time with all the boom, booms, and went to the science center to play with daddy. Eve had a wonderful time, soaking up attention, receiving tasty handouts, and she loved the music! The Camp Chase Fife & Drum Corps was preforming, and Eve is a huge fan! She wanted to go back on Sunday, because she wanted to hear them play again.

It was hot enough, for me to wear my newly completed summer sheer for the first time. It’s so airy feeling, and matches my straw bonnet and blue sash nicely. On the second day, it was much cooler, so I didn't get to wear it again that day. Eve got many complements on her bonnet. She was all smiles, as I told everyone how she picked her blue ribbons and flowers.

We enjoyed chatting with the Middleton family, who was also day visiting. We also found Kate, who sent up Eve with a tasty cookie and glass of lemonade. Kate told us of a timeline event, called the Streetsboro Bicentennial, and we hope to see her there next weekend! We met many wonderful people, browsed the buildings, enjoyed the gardens, and played with the kid toys. On the first day, Eve played, she was feeling shy and discouraged. But, on day two she decided she was a pro, and clearly the best instructor for Grant to learn to play the game.

We didn’t see much of the battle, on either day. Grant is terrified of the battles, and and Eve is a bit shy, due to Grant making such a fuss. However, on the day Grant didn’t come, Eve eventually asked to go over and watch. She enjoyed standing on the fence post, for a better view. It was a decent turn out, and they even had some Calvery. They had their horses near the entrance of the site, and many people went over to pet them.

The day, had to end in our traditional way, with a lolli! I buy the children a candy to eat when we leave. But, on the day that it was just Eve, she talked me into strawberry ice cream as well! Which, was very nice, as we ended up sitting at the table and enjoying the conversation with a wonderful gentleman from Reilly’s Battery. He invited us to camp with them, if I want to take up camping with the children! I’m certainly thinking about it. Ever since we took the kids to Raccoon Park camping, they have been asking to go camping again. They loved it!