Hale Farm 2023

8/14/20231 min read

We attended Hale farm on Sunday, after all the rain. I finished my black sheer just in time for muddy paths at Hale. The poor people camping got very wet on Friday and Saturday, and even though it was fairly hot, there was a delightful number of puddles for children to splash in! Eve and Grant kept gravitating towards the mud the puddles as we walked around.

This year, I got to do a bit more site visiting, as the kids are more mobile, and have greater attention spans. We sat through an entire glass blowing demonstration. Grant was fascinated for about half of it, and Eve wanted to stay and watch the next project too! Orv was dragged out with us again, and I finished his vest the night before. I'm no tailor, in fact I bought him a vest because I kept messing up his. But, it still hasn't arrived, so I finished the one I was rigging together. I added button holes to his at 9:30 the night before. That being said, he actually looked pretty good! Next up, I need to make him a cravat.

We also managed to sit through the battle. Yes, Grant still was upset about the battle and booms, but he was getting strawberry ice-cream spooned into his mouth, so he delt with it. We had lunch about three times, went back and forth to the bathroom about a hundred times, and enjoyed socializing.